Sunday 8 December 2013

The end of the Adventure on the Island!

Florida 2011, Day 12, part 3

Once we were done browsing the castle we went into Filch’s Emporium where I saw this which I thought was cool:

Then the first of the two wizard shows started. This one was welcoming foreign witches and wizards to the Triwizard tournament:

We waited in the same area as the next show with the Frog Choir was due shortly after:

Once we saw two wizard shows and we decided to head over to Jurassic Park:

We went into the Discovery Centre to look around for a while:

After that we headed towards the Lost Continent to wait for the The Eighth Voyage of Sindbad stunt show. While we were waiting we could hear this strange snoring. We had no idea where it was coming from though! The Sindbad Stunt show is major bleh! We only stayed because we had no place better to be for a while lol!
When we came out we figured out the source of the snoring though around the corner from the Stunt show entrance we used there was this fountain called The Mystic Fountain.! When we saw it though the fountain was talking to a bunch of kids! It was hilarious. Most of the kids were boys down from some part of America for some sort of base-ball competition or something. The boys were teasing the fountain which was squirting water at people and saying that the fountain wouldn’t get them so fountain kept aiming at them. Then at one point the fountain started crying because the kids said they had beaten the Florida team and the fountain said that made him sad. There was another funny part where the fountain dared the kids to get closer and they did and it started squirting water and the kids were jumping away from the squirts and fountain did evil laugh going dance humans dance! I think there was music at one point as well to get the kids to dance. The fountain kept asking people their names and if people left before the fountain was finished talking he said goodbye to them as well. We stayed until the Fountain went back to sleep it was hilarious watching it though:
After the fun with the talking Fountain we decided it was dinner time so we said we would go to the Three Broomsticks for food or so we thought:

When we got there we were told it was closed “due to technical difficulties” eh sorry what how can a restaurant have technical difficulties?!
We eventually decided to just go to the Burger Digs back at Jurassic Park for food. I had a cheese burger:

And mother had a chicken burger:

We were pretty much done with the park after that so we headed back through Hogsmeade picking up an ice cold Butterbeer along the way:

We went out to Citywalk and looked around the shops:
We wanted to go to the cinema again so while we were waiting we went into a little café. Mother got tea and I got this:

Looks lovely but was stale. We went to see Puss in Boots in the cinema before heading back to the hotel to finish packing.

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