Monday 25 November 2013

Let the memories begin all over again

Florida 2011, Day 2, part 1:
25th November 2011

This morning was Black Friday, the day after Thanksgiving when all the shops have huge sales. I don't think I could have braved the crowds in the shops so we decided to have our first park day. We were rudely woken up at 6am by my mothers friend in Ireland but once I was awake I got up and ready to head to DISNEY WORLD! By 8.30 we were at the front of the hotel waiting for the bus to the parks:
By 9 o'clock we were seeing this:
I was so happy I cried. The year leading up to this trip had been incredibly hard. I got very sick but once I saw that sign and I was back in my happy place I relaxed for the first time in over a year and totally forgot all the crap that had gone on in my life. For the next two weeks I was in my happy place and nothing else mattered! The hotel bus took us to Epcot coach park so we had to get a Disney bus over to the park we wanted to go to which was:
The minute we got off the bus we saw the first sign of Disney Christmas decorations and woah what a decoration. A massive 45ft Christmas tree was at the entrance:
We stopped for some photos before we headed into the park. Once inside we stopped for even more photos in front of the Tree of Life:
I had pre-paid for a photopass card so I planned on making the most of the photopass system. After a mini photoshoot in front of that amazing tree we headed off towards Africa taking in all the sights along the way:
We had a little spare time left when we got to Africa so I grabbed our first ever fast passes for the Kilimanjaro Safari before we had to check in for our breakfast:
We had booked breakfast in Tusker house that morning. I've already written a blog about our experience there which can be found here: Tusker House
After breakfast we took a quick stroll around the shops admiring all the Disney merchandise and pretty pictures:
After that it was time to try out the fast pass system which got a major thumbs up from us as we walked pass a large line of people almost right to the front of the line. We were off on a two month Safari in Africa where we saw lots of Animals including a baby Elephant:

 We had to cut our Safari short because of poachers so once we got back we headed on a lovely walk through a forest trail:

While we were watching those ducks my mother felt a Plop as some fat little bird pooped all the way down her top. She had a white top on and was quite upset about it being destroyed. A CM saw her distress and brought her to a backstage bathroom to clean up a little while the fat little bird sat victoriously in the tree above us! While I was waiting for my mother I went Hippo watching.
Once mother had cleaned up we headed off in search of the baby Gorilla Lily but spotted some of Timon's cousins along the way:
Baby Lily wouldn't come out of her cave for photos but her Daddy seemed to be in a posing sort of humour that morning so I got pictures of him instead:
After our voyage through the forest we decided to head off to Asia but along the way I found two more friends with no line to meet them so I stopped for some pictures:

Photos taken we headed toward the Maharajah jungle trek in search of Tigers but the Tigers were feeling a little anti-social that morning:

Was standing watching these deer when a CM said that the male was a bit of a player sitting there in the middle of three ladies:
There was some very pretty bird houses along the trek as well and I kinda want one for my garden:
After all that walking it was time to stop for a snack and what better snack than a Mickey Ice-cream sandwich:
We sat for a while enjoying our ice-cream and just taking in the kingdom around us.

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