Saturday, 4 May 2013

Last Day in Disneyland part 3

So after the house of goodies was opened, we headed back to the Disney Village for one last time. We picked up the last few bits and bobs that we wanted before heading to McDonald's for food:

After food it was time to head back to the hotel to get our cases and pack away our new purchases. I took a wander around the reception area and the gift shop taking pictures as I went:

Soon after our taxi to the airport arrived. Nothing majorly exciting happened at the airport besides the fact the plane actually left Paris this time. Third time lucky since we had been to Paris twice before with the dancing school I was in and both times we were there the plane got delayed and we ended up being stuck in Paris an extra day. Not this time.
The flight was short and we were back home by 10.30 that night:
We enjoyed Paris but not the rudeness.