A little over a year ago Westlife announced they were breaking up after one more tour. I still find it hard to believe that they have actually split up and I wait in hope that one day they will hold a reunion tour and Westlife will be back. But of course I went to the farewell tour... three times. The first night was Manchester and was so close to the stage. Support acts weren't anything to take note of. Glenn Cal was back on tour with them and he was probably the best support act in Manchester. The night I went to Manchester was actually their final night in Manchester. They didn't seem overly upset. There were a few moments when you could see a sadness that it was coming to an end but mostly it was the same as any Westlife concert, full of their hit songs and a high energy medley. Kian had his guitar back on stage for the medley as well.
It was one of the crew members last night on tour in Manchester as well and they brought him out and celebrated with Guiness on stage.
Nicky did his usual banner reading as well and highlight of the night HE READ MY BANNER and they had a chat about it. It was interesting to see the differences between the indoor and outdoor gigs as well in Manchester as they had a globe type structure that took them from the stage to the back of the arena and back to the stage.
Although there was no tears in Manchester I did come close when they sang You Raise me up and asked everyone to light up their phones so they could see the arena lit up and have it as their last memory of Manchester. That arena was huge and looking around at all the tiny lights for our little Irish boys I was proud of what Westlife had achieved for themselves.
Flying without Wings on the big screen there was flashbacks to some of the past events in Westlife history but cuter still there was pictures and video clips of all the children, wives and even dogs of each of the boys.
The concert was true Westlife, brilliant and left me wanting more. Three weeks later it was farewell weekend in Croke Park and of course I was at both of the concerts.
The first night I was in the Golden Circle and it was fab so close to the stage but downside of golden circle standing for the entire night. The support acts were slightly bigger support acts than in Manchester. Glenn Cal opened it and I loved his sing song of Fields of Athenry in Croker. Was so cool. Croke Park also got Jedward, Lawson and The Wanted as support acts. Once Westlife came on you totally forgot about the standing all together. I loved how everyone squealed and got excited at the first sign of anything that resembled the lads then the confusion as these figures everyone thought was Westlife arriving went on fire:

Confusion quickly ended when the lads appeared at the top of the stair and it was on with the show:
The set list was the same as Manchester however speeches and banter different as always. Kian started off the tears talking about how this was the biggest moment in Westlife History. Best moment of the first night in Croke Park was Queen of my Heart. They brought all the mothers, fathers and children on stage for the song. 3 generations of Westlife together on stage and you could see how proud the lads were to be able to do that:

The second night I was standing further down the pitch, it was lashing rain all night but the concert went ahead. During the support acts alot of random celebs like Fair City actors, TV presenters, Radio presenters were wandering about at the side of the Golden Circle as well as Westlife families arriving. Nobody really seemed to notice any of them though. By the time Westlife came on it was pretty pointless even having a coat on because I was soaked through. Tears started from the lads the minute they came on stage. Shane was first, changing the words to What Makes a Man to "This is goodbye" pointing the mics to the audience who loudly scream "THIS ISN'T GOODBYE." Kian was next to start crying during his speech. Outdoors in Croke Park instead of the globe they had in Manchester they walked from the stage to a little stage at the end of the Golden Circle and even in the rain they just picked up their Umbrellas and came out to the middle of the crowd. For the last night they cut one of the songs so they could all give their farewell speeches and that was when everyone around me started crying. All the lads cried except for Mark who did get choked up but managed to hold back the tears.

After the speeches it was time to say the final farewell. They ended
with Flying without Wings and there was tears and streamers.
Westlife went out in style complete with fire, fireworks, tears, streamers and all their biggest hits. All the concerts I went to were fantastic and I cannot wait until the reunion tour but for now I'll put up with watching Nicky shake his ass on Strictly come dancing and wait patiently for Shane's solo career and to see what exactly Kian and Mark will get up to:
Thank you Westlife for 14 amazing years