Sunday 18 June 2017

Last day in Disney's California Adventure

Day 9, Part 1:
Tuesday, 25th November

So this morning we headed out by 9am. This was the week of Thanksgiving and according to touring plans the parks were going to be busier this week. They weren’t lying. There was even a crowd at the pedestrian crossing this morning. We needed to go into Disneyland first this morning and the queue was so long to get in it took 30 minutes before we got through the gates. 
We stopped in front of the train station for some photopass pics before we headed towards the tours area. I had booked the Walk in Walt’s Footsteps tour but the apartment which was normally on the tour was down for refurbishment and since this was the main thing I had wanted to see on the tour I decided to cancel it. Once that was all sorted we headed back out of the park and into World of Disney in Downtown Disney as we had a few 20% vouchers we wanted to use. I took pictures again as I wandered around:

Loved the Disney chocolate:

Once we finished our shopping I left my trip buddy at LABrea Express to have breakfast and I ran back to the hotel with the shopping bags. When I got back we headed into Disney’s California Adventure:
 The first thing we wanted to do was see the full Red Car Trolley News boys show. We had only seen part of it the previous day we were in California Adventure and it looked really good. It didn’t take long before the Red Car trolley came along:

Once the News boys left we headed to Off the Page to do a bit of Vinylmation trading and to check out their Christmas decorations:

Then we headed to Turtle Talk with Crush:

After hanging out with Crush we went through the Sorcerers Workshop and found Beast’s library:
There was a few interactive books where you could answer questions and find out what Disney Princess or Villain you were. I got Rapunzel:

There was a few funny questions like do you like to eat lunch with nice people or do you like to eat nice people for lunch. My trip buddy choose all the bad answers to see what she would get and she got the Queen of Hearts

Every so often in Beast’s library it would go a bit darker and Beast would roar and rip the painting as well:

We wanted to go to the Animation Academy but there was only two characters we wanted to draw and as it turned out they were almost back to back later in the day so we headed off to Radiator Springs instead:
 I spotted Mater out in his Christmas gear so hopped in line to get some photos with him:

When I finished with Mater I spotted Lightening McQueen driving down the street:
We didn’t stay to get photos with him as we had seen him the previous night we were there. Instead we went to Flo’s for some lunch Clickie When we finished eating we decided to browse through the shops in Carsland. We had seen a few people with Cars buttons and we wanted to track some down. We asked in one of the shops and found out that the come out in rotation so only one shop or ride will have them at a time but that DJ’s Dance and drive have them all the time. We managed to get a button in Ramones and we just took our time wandering around the rest of the area taking pictures as we went:

We also went to check out the Gingerbread display at the Cozy Cone:
And we spotted a hidden Pixar character:
We waited for DJ’s Dance and Drive show and my trip buddy asked a CM about the buttons and he told us to come back later that he would have them then:

We stayed to watch the show and then headed towards Paradise Pier: 

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